Tuesday, 29 May 2012

So This Is What We Do For Fun... Part II

Autumn has nestled its way well into Wellington these past few weeks and winter will be peaking its chilly head here soon. While Wellington does not get snow in winter (ok, it did snow in Wellington last August, but that was the first time in 40+ years...), those who have Skyped with us recently have commented on our layered garb and constant tea-drinking. Let us note, however, that it's only the inside of our flat that's particularly cold. Outside, it's usually a pretty warm 12°C. Unfortunately, due to a serious lack of insulation or double-glazed windows, we have resorted to bundling ourselves in hoodies and blankets to save on our power bill (which is significantly more expensive here). Saying this, we have continued to play outdoors when the sunshine blesses us with a visit. Like Vancouver, Wellington has a strange way of making you forget that it has just rained for 3 days straight by giving you the most beautiful clear, sunny days.

I've been meaning to post these first pictures for ages! This little knitting project (inspired by the lovely Robyn) was started on the airplane from Vancouver to Auckland, continued as a passenger on our cross-country roadtrip, and finished during my housewife period. I'm somewhat notorious for being a ridiculously slow knitter (i.e. my skanket, anyone?). But seriously, guess what everyone's getting for Christmas? I'm assuming that everyone has iPads... If not, too bad!

Below are also a few snapshots I've been holding onto for whatever reason. Easter long weekend fishing on at Lyall Bay, where the kahawai were seriously hungry. Note the many fishes suntanning on deck (or stuffed into that man's bucket).

After the farmer's market one beautiful Sunday morning, Kevin and I wandered into Te Papa, which is New Zealand's national museum. We meandered through the exhibits, particularly enjoying the gianormous squid and Maori artifacts.

Since we've acquired Sophia the stationwagon (not the llama--I know, disappointed), we have had the luxury of exploring the city heaps more. Two weeks ago Kevin and I took a drive out to Breaker Bay, which is literally a 10 minute drive from our flat. In those 10 minutes we went from city-dwellers to feeling like we were on vacation. These pictures seriously do not do justice to how incredible this beach is. It's funny how the ocean here seems so much bigger and vaster than back home. The roar of the waves goes right to your bones. I think we're both looking forward to spending summer evenings with a bonfire, a few bottles of wine, and some friends.

Last weekend, despite the grey cloudy weather, Kevin, his workmate Nathan, and I went out to Makara Beach for some tramping/geo-caching. For those of you who aren't familiar with geo-caching, it involves using GPS coordinates to play hide-and-seek with containers. Nathan had downloaded a few caches in Makara and, SUCCESS, we found all three! I was really hoping for some gold chocolate pirate coins or something, as the whole process kind of felt like Easter egg hunting for grown-ups. Unfortunately, there was no candy, but we still had a blast. Plus, the view didn't hurt!

And of course I need to leave you with clearly the most important part of the whole tramping/geo-caching adventure... SHEEPS! Probably my most favourite animal ever (those of you who know me well have been introduced once or twice to Butt-Lambie), it took all my might not to go run and hug them. Next time you sheeps, next time...


Friday, 11 May 2012

Quarter of a Century

Ahh!!! Life seriously seems to be getting in the way of me documenting life on my blog! But I guess that's a good thing, actually living life. Well I figure that since the simple task of walking home yesterday has left me fairly horizontal today (no worries, nothing too serious), I am able to catch up on catching you up. That, and catching up on the life and times of Cory and Topanga while Kevin is off on a work chartered fishing expedition all day (yes, the only TV series I have downloaded on my laptop right now are all of the BMW seasons).

So last Wednesday, as many of you may or may not know, the most wonderful and important person in my life turned 25. Have I left you stumped on who? Well, keep guessing... 

Since he clearly does not have enough toys yet, I thought it best to add to his collection. What I didn't realize was that, after getting a ride home with this big, awkward box on the birthday boy's big day, I forgot wrapping paper and we do not have any form of adhesive tape in our flat. And while it may not be the most flash wrapping job, not only was everything 100% recyclable, I think it did the trick!

I was entirely shocked that he hadn't guessed his present, since I had to measure like every inch of his body to send in for custom-made waders. Kevin claims he's not like me, who gets a tad worked up when I know I'm getting a surprise but don't know what it is... I may be a tad over-dramatic at times! Now our closet is stocked full of wetsuits of all sorts: swimming, surfing, fishing--take your pick.

Since Kevin's birthday fell in the middle of a work week, we kept things pretty low key. We spent the evening making homemade pierogies, something we had talked about doing for a longtime. And boy did they turn out delicious! Fairly labour intensive, but most definitely worth the time and effort.

In other news, we now have wheels!! Kevin and I are now the proud owners of Sophia, the station wagon, dutifully named after Sophia the llama for sale Kevin has been eyeing on the TradeMe online classifieds. Now I don't have to trek 2 kilometres to go grocery shopping with my giant travelling backpack. I tried driving home from the grocery store last weekend, and may or may not have had a minor stroke. I think I may need some Kiwi-style drivers-ed. 

I hope all you mothers and grandmothers have a very Happy Mothers Day this Sunday! Haere rā.