Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Kia Ora!

Well, here we are! I know I promised many people that when we moved half way across the world, I would either a) be a more active and exciting Facebook friend, or b) start a blog. And for many reasons, it looks like the latter won. I want to use this as a forum to share our stories, pictures (yes, we've actually used the camera), and travels with our friends and family back home.

I hope to get the ball rolling on this shortly, so please be patient (I am a virgin blogger). But I'll leave you with a sneak-peak at some of the photos we were able to take on our journey thus far.

 One of many landscapes from the window of our caravan.
 Speaking of which... our caravan! This was our home for the better part of February.
 A glimpse of the eerie downtown core of Christchurch, one year after the earthquake.
 View of the sunset from our new home in Wellington.
One of the few pictures of the two of us. Our first tramp in NZ!

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