Monday, 18 February 2013

Invasion of the Parental Units 1.0

Wow, where do I even begin!? The last month has been a whirlwind of moving flats, Kevin's mum and stepdad visiting, travelling to the Cook Islands with them to meet up with my dad and his partner, coming back to Wellington to work for a few days, travelling to the South Island with my dad, and then trying to settle back into a routine. Phewf! After only working two and a half weeks of the last seven, I think I need a vacation from our vacation. And I've got 'heeps' of photos from all of these adventures, so let me start from the beginning...

Elaine and Dean came down on 18 January for a brief tour of Wellington before we buggered off to the South Pacific. That weekend, our flatmate Paul (official blog introductions and tour of our flat to come) was celebrating his big 3-0 by taking 18 of us on a sailboat around Wellington harbour. The weather was a bit gloomy, but the clouds held onto all of the rain and we enjoyed a booze-cruise that included "I'm on a Boat" being played only 4 times in a row.

The following day we then took the parentals over to one of my most favourite places in Wellington, Breaker Bay. We walked along the WWII information points and were lucky enough to have beautiful sunshine and turquoise waters.

Monday, we all hopped on the train over the Martinborough for a guided wine tour. You just can't do New Zealand right without a few (or many) wine tastings. So drink we did! 

Dinner that night was at Southern Cross for a delicious stone grill platter, which included a giant smoking-hot stone slab with raw lamb, beef, prawns, and halloumi cheese. You just put your goods on top and watch it sizzle to perfection!

The next day we had more beautiful weather and more delicious food and drinks. We joined a guide from Zest Food Tours through the Mojo coffee roastery, a gourmet chocolatier, Moore Wilson's gourmet grocery store, and ended at Logan Brown for an unbelievably decadent lunch. 

All I can say is, good thing I wore my stretchy pants. More photos and stories to come shortly! 

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