Thursday, 12 September 2013

Oh Canada (& America)! Part I: WLG-->YYC & The Rehearsal Dinner

Phewf! We're back.
After 3.5 weeks of pure socialising and bliss, Kevin and I have settled back into our routine here in Wellington. But routine is boring to talk about via blog, so let me enchant you with our first trip back to the homeland. We had such an amazing time, it is hard to put it into words. There is so much to say and so many photos to post, so I thought it would be best to break it up to keep up the anticipation. It will also force me to be a more responsible blogger and update more regularly. So here we go...
After a sleepless 26 hours of travel, we made it from Wellington to Sydney to Vancouver to Calgary quite delirious. A good 3-hour nap and early to bed in the evening got us back to Mountain Time before we jetted off to Canmore for a long weekend of "glamping" with my bestie-in-the-whole-wide-world Deana and her handsome sidekick Cole. The weather was not favourable to camping conditions and the misquitos were rampant, so we spent a good portion of our time hunkered in a motorhome that is likely to be bigger than our old apartment in downtown Vancouver. We thought it be best not to waste red cups, so it was imperative that we find a way to sort out this conundrum (can you guess whose cup is whose?).
The rest of the week, we were in full wedding prep mode. Each day, a few more family members trickled in and eventually we ended up with about 15 people staying on my dad's property. Friday night, my dad and Juanita hosted a twangy Western hoedown of a rehearsal dinner and we were lucky enough to have beautiful weather, good music, uber-fashionable western apparel, and best of all, campfire smores. The photos below were taken by myself and my ridiculously talented 12 year old cousin Kai.

Next up, wedding day! I don't want to give anything away, but it was kind of spectacular.

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