Thursday, 31 October 2013

Oh Canada (& America)! Part III: Viva Las Vegas & Vancouver

Where did we leave off? Oh yes, YYC to YVR. After a brief visit to beautiful Vancouver and seeing some long overdue, lovely faces (I'm looking at you Aubrie, Connor, Erin, Leigh, Tyson, Mel, Craig, and Robyn--did I miss anyone?), I decided to get-outta-dodge for a weekend away with my favourite girlies in the whole entire world. Where to, you may ask? Well, Vegas of course! Elaine and Dean were so gracious to allow us (5 girls, 1 boy) to crash at their unbelievable pad at the MGM for four days of sun, fun, and catching up for the first time in 18 months.

With our carry-on bags packed, we all threw our toiletries and other liquids *coughdutyfreecough* in the communal checked baggage. Most of us got a much needed doze on the plane after getting up at 5 a.m. to make our flight.

Once we arrived, we spread out through the entire apartment (how we fit 6 people in 2 beds still boggles my mind and warms my heart) and made our way down to the pool for some sunshine. Then we got all dolled up for dinner and entertainment at Zarkana, Vegas' newest Cirque de Soleil show. And the fun didn't end there. Cue a change of clothes as we headed onto the town (Marquee was it? Or Cosmo? I can't remember, my nights have all blurred into one big fat fun partytime, excellent, etc, etc).

Holy crow my friends are beautiful.

The next day, more sunshine including an all-day hangout at the Lazy River at the MGM. And yes, we stood around in the water for hours, pruning ourselves with a few thousand of our closest friends... Ew.

We then got back to the apartment, dolled up (as we do), did a bit of gambling (aka losing), and went to the Wynn to see Above&Beyond. Apparently New Zealand driver's licenses look counterfeit and I had to make a round trip back to the apartment and back to get my passport. Other than that, an amazing night (and morning, as we didn't get home until after 6 a.m.)!

We spent another day by the pool and then to Hakkasan and then with a very little amount of sleep over three nights, made our exhausted ways back home. It's funny how you can run on pure adrenaline, and not to mention oxygen that's pumped into the casinos and hotels, for days and not feel tired. But as soon as you get into the airport, you're at complete zero.

I parted ways with my gorgeous friends (so long, not goodbye) as I returned to Elaine and Dean's condo, reuniting with my other half, who had his own adventures over the weekend. Kevin, however, is less apt to document his shenanigans and so we'll just have to take his word that he had a great time with everyone he saw. That evening, we enjoyed an amazing meal with Kevin's family. It was so lovely to spend time with the Spaceys (and guests) before leaving Canada.

Two days later, Kevin and I said our final goodbyes as we slowly made our way back to New Zealand. But first, a stop to Hawaii along the way. But this will have to wait until next time.

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