Sunday, 14 October 2012

In the Interim

Man, I am a lazy and neglectful interweb information sharer. And I feel like I'm always apologizing for being so absent, which in my opinion, cannot be good for my health. So I'm going to stop. Deal with it. Please? Thanks!

Not much exciting news from 41° S, 174° E on the globe (that's Wellington, just in case you don't want to google it). The weather has been warming up and we are finally getting used to 90 km/h winds. No big deal--just walk on a 45° forward slant and you'll be fine! 

I spent a lovely Sunday girls evening indulging in this... the Amora Hotel Chocolate Buffet. Stretchy waisted leggings were a must. 

Kevin and I spent Thanksgiving Monday with a group of fellow Canadians (and a few Kiwis and Americans as well), which was a very welcome treat.

Photo courtesy of Brooke Bateman.

And many a weekends doing this...

We are gearing up our car to be a second home, which has included a few too many stops at the fabric store for curtains and canopy material. I promise more regular updates in the near future, as lots of fun things are coming up shortly. But for now, you must wait! 

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