Saturday, 22 September 2012


Yes, I have fully realize how long it's been since my last post, but I promise it's because I've been up to lots of fun things and haven't had the time to tell you all about it yet. Lots of photos, so I feel like I more than made up for my long interweb absence.

The 8th of September marked my 25th birthday, which turned out to be pouring rain and 120 km/h winds. So needless to say, we spent most of the day indoors. And whilst New Zealand does not have a Dairy Queen franchise, I did not go without my annual ice cream cake. Kevin was dear enough to put one together that was ridiculously delish. It may not be entirely aesthetic, but seriously SO GOOD!

We spent the evening at my very first rugby game. The All Blacks, New Zealand's national rugby team, played Argentina. Apparently it was a boring game, but since I had nothing to compare it to, I have no comment. Halfway through the game, the entire stadium had a blackout  (I'm still convinced that Westpac stadium just didn't pay their power bill...) and we were stuck in the dark while the lights were put back on.

After the game, we went to two house parties and a bar, all-in-all a lovely birthday. It's funny leaving a bar at 3:00AM to find line-ups to get INTO bars. I'm officially too old to close out a bar when it closes at 6:00AM. Our mate Mark got into some temporary hair dye and the hosts busted out the obligatory costume box that we were compelled to partake in.

Last week, we were blessed with our first overseas visitors, Nicole and Al. They were nice enough to accommodate a quick trip over to Wellington from their month-long Australian expedition. I cannot express how nice it was to see some familiar faces, show them around our new home, and catch up on all the juicy gossip. We spent the first night bar hopping, starting with some Jenga (or in Kiwi, Jumbling Towers) at Macs Brew Bar and drinks at the Library. The following evening, we all indulged in some dosas at the Wellington Night Market, followed with more drinks at Southern Cross. It has become very apparent that exploring Wellington means a significant amount of eating and drinking.

With Kevin at work, Nicole, Al, and I set out on the Eastern Walkway, a 2.5 km hike along the east coast of the city. Below are all photos courtesy of Al and his fancy-shmancy camera. And while it looks like a bit of a tropical paradise, IT. WAS. WINDY! No better day to show people the true Windy Welly.

And although the skies turned grey over the weekend, it didn't stop us from exploring the city. We stopped in at the Red Rocks Reserve to... throw rocks?

On their last full day in Wellington, the sun was shining and we drove up Mt Victoria to capture the last of the shining sun.

Thank you Nicole and Al for stopping in on our cozy little abode! We can't wait to host some more visitors in the future. Who'll be next?

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