Friday, 31 August 2012

Spring has Sprung!

We did it! We survived our first Wellington Winter. Kiwis do not follow the lunar calendar when it comes to season changes, so today being September 1st marks the first day of Spring. The temperature has begun to rise a bit in the past few weeks and we have been blessed with a few days of 15° weather these last couple of days. So while I have been enviously creeping all of the summer, patio, and beach photos on Facebook of all you North American friends and family, it's nice to know that our time is coming.

A few weekends back, Kevin's company held their mid-year formal, which is basically a Christmas party in August. But since Christmas is in the middle of summer over here, companies tend to have less formal events like BBQs to celebrate the holidays instead. The theme of the night was "Sparkles" and everyone got decked out to the nines for some dinner, dancing, and of course, an open bar. Unfortunately, I was too busy eating, drinking, and holding a girl's hair back in a bathroom stall to remember to get my own picture taken.

I stand corrected... There is ONE photo that I'm in from that night... 

Last weekend, we joined another couple at Petone's Winter Carnival. A short drive outside the main city, the festival embodied long strip of rides, games, food stalls, and heaps and heaps of people. On the beach, teams spent the entire day building structures that were then set on fire once the sun went down to symbolize the end of Winter and the coming of Spring. Standing near the blazing structures proved a great way to stay warm once the wind picked up and we ended the evening with a beautiful fireworks display.

Now that the weather is starting to warm up, we hope to do some more travelling around the country in the near future. So here's to Spring!

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